
EcoMaps services include:

Wetland Delineation

EcoMaps owner Michelle Ford has been a soil scientist as defined in the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS), Title 22a, Chapter 440, Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act for over a decade and has experience providing the following:

  • Delineation of Connecticut inland and tidal wetland resources

  • Federal (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) wetland delineation

Wetland Evaluation & Permitting

  • Wetland assessment, municipal and federal permitting

  • Functions and Values Assessments in accordance with the CT DOT Highway Methodology Workbook

  • Determination of Ordinary High Water (OHW) in accordance with CT DOT Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Determining Ordinary High Water (Dec. 13, 2021)

Consultant Support

Realizing it can be difficult to balance full-time employee workloads and regional allocation of resources, EcoMaps can support project teams through provision of services via sub-contracting agreements. With a flexible rate structure, EcoMaps can fill a variety of roles from lead scientist to staff biologist, to meet your project needs while ensuring the project stays within budget.

Wildlife Surveys and Evaluations

As a Certified Wildlife Biologist, Michelle Ford is capable and qualified to provide habitat suitable assessments and surveys for a variety of species and can support larger teams on more complicated surveys that are equipment intensive. Species for which services can be provided include:

  • Turtles (wood, eastern box, and spotted)

  • Benthic and select, terrestrial invertebrates

  • Bats (support role)

  • Freshwater and marine mussels (support role)

GPS Data Collection and GIS Mapping

EcoMaps can provide sub-meter accuracy data collection and GIS mapping services using ESRI, ArcGIS software. Examples of projects utilizing these services include:

  • Wetland and natural resources mapping

  • Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) mapping

  • Trail Maps and Trail Guide Development

  • Trailhead Kiosk Mapping

  • Trail assessment

Municipal Third-party Review

For complex or disputed projects, municipal agencies and property owners alike often require the assistance of a specialist to evaluate project impacts, the accuracy of wetland delineations, or errors and omissions in wetland reports and agency applications. EcoMaps has extensive experience working on both the municipal side as an agent and as a consultant to provide third-party reviews and takes pride in being able to effectively communicate technical and sometimes complex natural resources concepts to both a professional and non-technical audience.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Small/Minority Business Enterprise (SBE/MBE) Services

As a registered DBE and SBE/MBE in Connecticut, EcoMaps can provide services to help larger firms meet State and Federal contracting requirements.